Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Cape Cup Art Show

Just got back from hanging up some new work at the Cape Cup in Orleans. Check it out. And while you're there why not hang out for a while for a bite to eat. They have a great breakfast and lunch menu. Great coffee, tea, and if I'm not mistaken beer and wine too! And another perk is that they have a gluten free case with tasty muffins, chocolate chip cookies, biscotti and brownies.
Once again I would like to thank Bill and Elise for making their walls available to local artists and staying open evenings every third Wednesday of the month for "Feed Your Love" open mic night.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Two more of Ryan

Blogger wouldn't let me upload all the photos I wanted so here are two more from Ryan's performance last night. And just for the record there were a BUNCH more people out of the left side of the frame.

Open Mic Night

Last night was the first Wednesday night I've had free in a long time, so I met my buddy Ryan at Cape Cup for "Feed Your Love Open Mic Night" put on by my friend Don Boivin. When I showed up, Ryan had several guitars around him, with one particularly close by. I asked him if he was playing, and he gave me a wrinkled grin. So I waited... through about ten other performers. Ryan's turn finally came up, and he pulled it off! He's got a lot more guts than I have. Even if I wasn't rusty I still don't know if I would have gotten up in front of a crowd of strangers and attempted what he did.

Nice job Ryan! Here are a couple of pics of him playing "Rain King" by Counting Crows and "Baby Bird" by Jakob Dylan.

I also want to thank Don Boivin (http://www.donboivin.com/) and Bert Jackson (http://www.bertland.com/) for organizing this event every 3rd Wed of the month as well as Bill from Cape Cup(http://www.capecup.com/) for not only hosting this event at his coffee shop and being a great supporter of art of all kinds, but also for providing great food on a regular basis to those in the Orleans area. Hope to do this again some time.

Also shown here are Penn Dixon Colbert who kicked things off. Jennifer Stratton performing her original "Outta Luck" and her adoring fan and devoted husband Don Boivin.