Sunday, December 20, 2009

And now for something completely different!

And now for something completely different! I first heard that line in a remix of an old INXS song called "Guns in the sky". That was in the late 80's. They borrowed the line from Monty Python I believe. Since then comedy is different, INXS is different (unfortunately since the sad loss of Michael Hutchence), photography is different. But last night I saw something completely different as far as movies go.

The Avatar!

This movie was nothing short of phenomenal. I said to a friend on the way home "How do you get more realistic than that?"

Probably 70% of the movie was computer generated, but you felt like it was real...THE WHOLE TIME. Now I'be seen several CGI movies, but this one is completely different! All I can say is "Go See It!". I was so impressed that I am planning to go to Boston to see it in IMAX 3D.

Check it out. You won't be dissapointed!
Keeping up with the photography theme of this Blog, The lighting and cinematography was breathtaking!

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I agree about Avatar. Also I think James Cameron deserves praise for taking an enormous financial risk as he did with the making of Titanic.
